Aug 27, 2022Liked by Andrew Beal

One thing I've been struggling with is how to combine portability of reputation with the notion that reputation is contextual, i.e. can't be disconnected from the context (community, app, ecosystem, platform, ...) in which you've earned that reputation. Also, reputation if often recognised and rewarded based on peer-level interaction, hence reputation is also linked to the context-specific social graph. It's a reflection of any individual having multiple 'yous' and 'yours': yous being the different personas and affinities one exhibits across work, life and play; yours being the different social networks (and graphs) one has connections to and interacts with. Depending on the yous and yours, people tend to have different skin-in-the-game, from passive to active to leading ...

There is definitely value in being able to aggregate reputation across your different 'yous and yours', as long as the source context is not lost ...

See also: https://medium.com/design-bootcamp/web3-building-trust-in-trustless-communities-fe1abd6bb1e4

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We do - the question is if reputation should be transferable / buyable at all. In web2 you don't just buy a uni degree or a drivers license.

Extremely excited about this topic and have been looking into it for a while. Here are two i've identified:



Anyway, would love to chat about this and get your thoughts on how this should be built.

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